Benjamin Franklin reminded his people as they engaged in the debates over the foundation of this nation:
“In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine Protection- all of us who were engaged in the struggle, must have observed frequent instances of Superintending Providence in our favor. Have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?”
Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend- we do not find ourselves in an economic crisis, we are not in a political crisis, and may I just lift the veil of illusion, we are not in a national security crisis. Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend we find ourselves in a MORAL crisis. This moral crisis has led to a loss of honor in this nation- a loss of honor in our government.
What is honor? Honor is integrity plus character working together in the mechanisms of morality. Integrity is not doing the wrong thing. Character is doing what is right just because it is right, even if it is not politically advantageous or popular. Lack of Honor in this nation has the immoral leading the Justice Department, the immoral leading the IRS, the immoral leading our Congress and the immoral leading the White House. And now this immorality has infected the Supreme Court. Where the highest court of the land is no longer bound to the highest law of the land and can declare, without any conviction whatsoever, that I have no rights unless I declare them. Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend, we have forgotten that our rights do not come from government, our rights do not come from the Supreme Court- Our rights come from God and I don