My dear friend:
We grew-up together an we shared a lot of good times and bad times together, but threw it all you are still my friend, your like family, and I will always help you out if I can.
After sharing a lot of Face Book posts, I realized that you are a communist and thats OK with me, if that’s what you believe in, then go for it. At first I thought we could exchange a lot of political stuff and have some fun with it. But when you said that “I am sick and should go to the hospital because of my political ideas” it stunned me into a cold silence.
Yes, I know I am very right wing, I mean Rush Limbaugh looks like a liberal compared to me, but good buddy, you have crossed a very dangerous line. You are now in with people like the Russian Communists who believed that people that don’t agree with them are sick and they really did send them to mental hospitals where they were injected with all sorts of chemicals. But they were the lucky ones, others were sent to concentration camps where they were worked to death, or they were starved to death; others were simply shot dead. Read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn book “The Gulag Archipelago”, he survived the concentration camps and told the world all about it. You should really read that book, it’s the end game of what you’re thinking.
A final tally of what the Russian Communists did was to kill abut 20 million people, the Chinese Communists killed about 50 million, The Cubans who have a smaller population killed 17,000 people because they did not support the ideas of Fidel Castro. Then there was Pol Pot who killed about a million in Cambodia. The list goes on and on with South America and Africa with their communist activists. Here in America we have people like Bill Ayrs who was caught on video tape saying that “we have to kill 25 million Americans” then he went on to talk about how we should kill them and how to get rid of the bodies.
So good buddy, that’s the company you are keeping these days. How you got there, I don’t know: but I guess the reason is that communists hate Americans. But the reasons for this hatred are based on lies. For example, the communists say that America is a basically bad country, founded in slavery and got rich by stealing from poor people.
I say this is not true because before 1776, it’s not that America had slavery, it’s that the whole world had slavery and America inherited this system from the rest of the world. But America was unique here because America stood up and said slavery was wrong, and after they beat the British Empire (then the most powerful nation on Earth), they went about ending slavery. They wrote the Constitution that said:
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
In the first Contential congress, a bill was presented to end slavery, but it lost by one vote. But the 49% who wanted to end to slavery, fought on until they ended slavery in the Northern States in 1805, then