Now that the circus that some people have called a presidential election is over, it seems that I was right in predicting that it didn’t matter who won the election, there will be trouble either way.
Enter the protesters who don’t like the fact that Donald Trump will be president of the United States. But what some people don’t realize is that if Hillary Clinton won the election things would be even worse than they are now. I base this on some meetings I went to with some Right Wing groups who met for one reason, but were instead talking about “If Hillary wins, what militia will you be joining” (the Florida Militia; Charlie Company sounded good to me). In other words, we may now be facing even more violence on the streets than we are now, instead of some immature lefties breaking up junk on the streets.
Or look at it this way, there are about 20,000 to maybe 30,000 protesters on the streets, while there were about 60 million people who legally voted for Donald Trump; if somehow the Trump victory is overturned, I don’t think the 60 million who voted for Trump will remain quiet about this. The possibility of more street violance is real, don’t kid yourself.
Some people might think that the election is the main cause of the current riots, but in fact the election is a minor cause; the main cause of the riots is the nature of liberals. You see, it is the fact that you just can not talk to a liberal. If you try to talk to them, what you say maybe a micro aggression, or it’s politically incorrect, or you just can not make contact with them because they’re hiding in a safe room, and only come out for their daily brain-washing in the MSNBC echo chamber. In other words, they don’t have democratic values, it’s their way or the highway. So, if something doesn’t go their way, it’s riot time. My four year old is the same way, so I can understand them.
As for the Right Wing point of view in this ( which the Left refuse to understand because of the above mentioned); the Right Wing people see Hillary Clinton as a committed criminal who has often crossed the line in her 30 years in government. Her latest crime was to delete 33,000 emails that were subpoenaed by Congress, this is clearly a felony; and people who committed this same crime are now sitting in jail. But Hillary avoided jail because she has friends in the Justice Department, and the White House (Obama) who are covering for her.
Can you imagine a government full of criminals covering for each other while engaging in criminal activities and getting away with it. This makes the Democratic Party a criminal enterprise, AKA Mafia, and so completely un-acceptable to