Solution for a Divided America
Something is seriously wrong in America today, and many news casters on TV and radio are coming to the same conclusion; which is that we are as divided as we were just before the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln said:
“A house divided against itself cannot stand”
But none of our news casters seem to realize that it is themselves who are to blame for this. If you listen to MSNBC about one story, then go to FOX news, you will hear the same story; except that it is the exact opposite.
How can this be? Consider this example; Barack Obama once said: “if an enemy convoy is headed to America to attack, he won’t use nuclear weapons”. The Left Wing said this was courageous because it will prove our moral superiority. The Right Wing said this is stupid because it would needlessly cost American lives, so just nuke’em and get it over with. Who is right? Who is wrong? This depends on which news source you watch all the time.
All the news sources use people who are the best con-artists ever. They are selected because they have great personality and devastating charisma. Just look at Chris Matthews, Bill O’ Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Rachel Maddow and all the rest of them.
Both sides do an extremely good job of making the other side look like liars, incompetents, and just downright dangerous people, hell bent on destroying the nation. Plus they all do it with selective written proof and video of actual events. It’s really amazing. But what they are really doing is destroying the other stations for ratings, the higher their own ratings, the higher their paychecks.
For example: Rachel Maddow of MSNBC once put on a game show skit with contestants who tackled the issue of who is the biggest spending president. The conclusion they came to was that President George Bush (the younger) was the biggest spending President in American history. Then FOX said that when Barack Obama started his first term, the national debt was 10 trillion dollars and when Obama left the White House, the national debt was 20 trillion dollars. Making Obama the President, who spent more than all former presidents combined.
But MSNBC is not the only bad boy in town. Bill O’Reilly of FOX News fame once said that FOX News does not insult the other news networks, while the other networks insult FOX News all the time by calling them racist, sexist, homophobic etc. etc. Then John Stewart showed a video of Bill O’Reilly calling Left wing people pinheads and loons. But, believe it or not; the big Irish man O’Reilly did apologize, he had no choice.
Denzel Washington said: “If you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed, if you do read it,