J. Lugo

Flip Flopping Trump

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Dec 052016

The American people have been betrayed, AGAIN.

Donald Trump, a man who many Americans have put their trust in to save our great country, has let them all down.

During his presidential campaign he promised multiple times that he will make Hillary Clinton answer to justice for her many crimes against America; he has now decided not to pursue criminal charges against her.

Doesn’t he realize that the American people are sick and tired of being lied to.

Throughout his campaign, his supporters have chanted “lock her up”, and Trump said during one of the debates “if I were President, you would be in jail”. Then as soon as he won the election, he decided to let her go. He in fact said, “Prosecuting Hillary is just not something I feel very strongly about”. ? ?

He said, “she suffered enough”. Where is she suffering? She has $300 million in the bank, she has two homes with a net worth of around five million dollars. If anybody is suffering here it’s the American people who are suffering under an abusive government that sends their jobs to other countries and over taxes them. But most of all, the American people are suffering by not knowing if the government is on their side or on the side of special interest groups. They are suffering by not knowing if their government is just a gang of criminals who are covering for each other and so have put themselves above the law.

When our Republic was founded, our Constitution was written so that elected officials represented the people. Apparently, this is no longer true; our government now represents international corporations and rich special interest groups who pour millions of dollars into election campaigns. The result of this is that the governments true function is to sell to the public laws that benefit these special groups only. And, this arrangement has caused jobs to be sent over seas and high taxes to make the public pay for the unemployment caused by this. And, politicians do this with big phony Howdy Doody smiles and slick propaganda campaigns .

What about his many other campaign promises? What about the famous “Wall” he promised to build along the Mexican border? Will there be a wall at all, or will there be a small picket fence. Or will a little old lady from Pasadena just ride along the border on her bicycle once a week to check it out? Or maybe there will be just a line in the sand.
What about his other famous promises? What about the better trade deals, will they really be re-negotiated or will they be kept as is. Lets face it, Donald is a businessman, and every businessman wants to run production as cheap as possible. This means cheap foreign labor, not American labor which due to foreign exchange rates is more expensive. Sure the exchange rates can be readjusted to help American workers, but why bother, profits are great for the company CEO and that’s all that matters. The workers be damed.

Trump has claimed many times that the election was “rigged”, but it now seems that the Donald was the main rigger. It appears that the election was a Democrat running against another Democrat, because the Donald was really a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. It is a fact that he danced with Hillary Clinton at his wedding, and Trump was shown on video claiming to be in fact, a Democrat.

Trump is not the first President to lie to the American people. When the first Bush ran for the Presidency, he said “read my lips, no new taxes”, then when he got into office, the first thing he did was to raise taxes. Then there is Barack Obama, who when running for office said “a ten trillion debt is wrong, it is treason, it is unpatriotic”. Then when he got into office, he doubled the debt to 20 trillion. Then there is his famous “if you like your doctor, you can keep him”, and we all know how that worked out.

So, it seems that the only thing we can count on is that we will always be lied to by politicians, they all work for special interest groups. Not the American people. This puts us back to where we were before the Constitution was written, that is we are ruled by crooks who think they are better than us and they can do whatever they want to do, they are above the law. We are just the chumps that pay for their parties, but are never invited to the party.

For further reading visit www.ddtv.org/on-going-debate.

It’s past time for a real change.

Jose Lugo, editor ddtv.org


Election Protests

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Nov 182016

Now that the circus that some people have called a presidential election is over, it seems that I was right in predicting that it didn’t matter who won the election, there will be trouble either way.

Enter the protesters who don’t like the fact that Donald Trump will be president of the United States. But what some people don’t realize is that if Hillary Clinton won the election things would be even worse than they are now. I base this on some meetings I went to with some Right Wing groups who met for one reason, but were instead talking about “If Hillary wins, what militia will you be joining” (the Florida Militia; Charlie Company sounded good to me). In other words, we may now be facing even more violence on the streets than we are now, instead of some immature lefties breaking up junk on the streets.

Or look at it this way, there are about 20,000 to maybe 30,000 protesters on the streets, while there were about 60 million people who legally voted for Donald Trump; if somehow the Trump victory is overturned, I don’t think the 60 million who voted for Trump will remain quiet about this. The possibility of more street violance is real, don’t kid yourself.

Some people might think that the election is the main cause of the current riots, but in fact the election is a minor cause; the main cause of the riots is the nature of liberals. You see, it is the fact that you just can not talk to a liberal. If you try to talk to them, what you say maybe a micro aggression, or it’s politically incorrect, or you just can not make contact with them because they’re hiding in a safe room, and only come out for their daily brain-washing in the MSNBC echo chamber. In other words, they don’t have democratic values, it’s their way or the highway. So, if something doesn’t go their way, it’s riot time. My four year old is the same way, so I can understand them.

As for the Right Wing point of view in this ( which the Left refuse to understand because of the above mentioned); the Right Wing people see Hillary Clinton as a committed criminal who has often crossed the line in her 30 years in government. Her latest crime was to delete 33,000 emails that were subpoenaed by Congress, this is clearly a felony; and people who committed this same crime are now sitting in jail. But Hillary avoided jail because she has friends in the Justice Department, and the White House (Obama) who are covering for her.

Can you imagine a government full of criminals covering for each other while engaging in criminal activities and getting away with it. This makes the Democratic Party a criminal enterprise, AKA Mafia, and so completely un-acceptable to

When All Was Set Right

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Nov 012016

It’s the year 2085 and a group of scientists, journalists, and politicians were sitting around and trying to figure out when all things were finally set right in the world, so that the history books can be correct. They finally agreed that it happened around the year 2016. This was when a woman by the name of Hillary Clinton won the president’s office in America.

She took bold and courageous actions as soon as she took office. The first thing she did was to announce to the world that she will no longer be called Hillary Clinton, instead she will be called “Dear Leader”. And she vowed to set all things right.

The first thing she did was to give Texas, New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico, then Mexico was happy. Then she gave Hawaii and California to China, then China was happy. Then she gave Alaska to Russia, then Russia was happy.

Our Dear Leader who is all knowing, had known for a long time that Republicans and Conservatives were not happy, so she abolished the IRS to create a smaller government, just like they wanted. Then to simplify things even more and save some tax dollars, she ordered that all tax money is to be sent directly to the “Clinton Foundation”. All the Republicans, Conservatives

Debate Wrap-Up

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Oct 262016

America is under attack by Muslim terrorists, we are 20 trillion in debt, Detroit and Chicago are killing fields, one third of our manufacturing sector has been sent to other countries, the murder rate is up, the poverty rate is up, wages have been stagnant for the last 30 years, Social Security is going bankrupt, our roads and bridges are crumbling:

So, what was the number one issue in the presidential debates:

Donald Trumps potty mouth, what else?

True, some of the things the Donald has said about women are wrong, but look at it this way; he has started a discussion that is long over due in our country, that is that women are mistreated. Women don’t get the same pay men get for the same work, they are often on the abused side of domestic violence. Locker room trash talking women starts a process that expands way beyond the locker room. Some men think this is the way women should be treated because of the locker room trash talking about them. But now this is changing, society has collectively stated loud and clear that trash talking women is wrong, because talking behind someones back totally violates the sense of fairness our nation was founded on, or that trash talking is done by somebody who just wants to look bad, as “bad is good” in our sick culture. Hopefully, the way women are treated may soon change and they will be treated with the respect, caring and the love they certainly deserve.

As for the rest of the debate; Hillary is a real paradox since the Wikileaks disclosures proved that Hillary has both public positions and private positions; it’s difficult to know what her real position on any issue is. This showed up clearly when Trump asked her about her open borders ideas, to which she answered by talking about energy policy. It was the biggest flip I ever saw in a debate.

But the Donald has been consistent in his outrageous statements. One was when he threatened to have Hillary investigated by his attorney general if elected. He even said that if he was President, she would be in jail. This has never been done during a debate. But some of the listeners sure agreed with him on this.

Trump is about as unconventional as you can get, while Hillary is as corrupt establishment as you can get. And in an election year when most voters are angry at the corrupt establishment, it’s a mystery as to why Hillary is ahead in the polls. Can Trump’s potty mouth be that bad that voters prefer Hillary with her long history of scandals and corruption over Trump who has a long history of business, some good, some bad, but overall successful. He knows how business works, he knows the tax code; he knows the government is corrupt and working for itself, not the people who elected them.

This whole election is a record breaker as far as unexpected crazy stuff is concerned, but one thing is too frighteningly clear; emotions and anger has reached fever pitch, so much so that, regardless of who wins the election, the voters on the other side may not accept the winner. The Republicans will not accept Hillary as President, and the Democrats will not accept Trump as President. What happens next will not be funny, because we may be headed for real trouble.

Lets not forget that after the election of Abraham Lincoln, that the nation was so angry and divided that the South seceded from the union and the Civil War began. Is the current situation that bad? I hope not.

Jose Lugo, editor for ddtv.org

As Far As Hillary’s Emails Go

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Oct 182016

Apparently, the FBI forgot to visit the Cornell Law Library. Word for word from the Cornell Law Library Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton’s private email server illegal, it “disqualifies” her from holding any federal office. Very specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.

For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here’s what it says:

VP Debate

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Oct 082016

The Vice Presidential debate was predictable in that Tim Kaine promoted government control and Mike Pence promoted individual enterprise.

Right from the start Tim Kaine (D) started interrupting Mike Pence (R) and he just kept at it until Pence realized that he is not going to finish any thought he has, so he also started interrupting. It all started to look like a Fox News Bill O’Reilly show in that everybody was talking at the same time, only causing confusion.

The moderator did a lousy job because she was not able to get them to talk individually. This is because she got the job due to political correctness, not because she knew how to moderate a debate; because she didn’t.

From the beginning it became clear that Kaine is the sort of guy who has to have control. Kaine thinks of himself as the authority guy that must be in charge, so he has to correct anybody with a different point of view, they are wrong if he says so.

Tim Kaine made a big twist of facts when he claimed Donald Trump did not want to pay taxes to support our troops. But the fact of the matter is that Trump had a huge financial loss of 916 million dollars that threatened his business, and so he had to carry the loss into future years to save his company. This is standard business practice that a lot of business people use and it’s legal under the tax code. But Tim Kaine, the authority guy, says Trump didn’t want to support our troops. The fact of the matter is that Trump paid millions of dollars in taxes throughout his business career.

On the other hand, Mike Pence came across as the sort of guy that wants to sit down and talk things over to look for solutions. The type of person that we could use more of in Washington DC and throughout the country.

The rest of the debate was the candidates repeating the party line. Dull.

Jose Lugo, editor DDTV.ORG


Did the Debate Change Anything?

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Oct 032016

The most hyped debate in recent times is over, but what happened?

It started with Hillary charging ahead like a steam roller, because she had the assurance that the

Race Riots

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Sep 252016

This is not news anymore.

Another white cop kills a black man and riots erupt with the usual smashed windows, burning buildings and torching cars. Also, not new is the fact that our government, you know the one that keeps telling us that that know it all and can fix anything; looks like it hasn’t got a clue about what to do about it.

You would think that the politicians might say something like “that cop that did the shooting has a right to a fair trial like all other citizens, and this is necessary if we are not to be ruled by Jim Crow laws with lynchings and terror as the usual way to do things”. No, our politicians are doing nothing useful.

In fact the Mayor of Baltimore Maryland, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake even said “Those who wish to do destruction will be given space to do so”. She should have been thrown out of office for saying this, but no, she is still there doing nothing useful at all.

Sure some black people believe the fiction that police are hunting them down and killing them, but why don’t they realize that more white people are killed by cops than black people? Why haven’t the politicians impressed them with this fact? Is it that the politicians want the riots and property destruction so that they can have a grievance population that they can cater to for votes?

Why is it that 3,600 black people are killed by other black people in Chicago and this is hardly mentioned by the main stream press, but yet a couple dozen black people are killed by cops and riots break out. I would think that the lives of 3,600 people matter more than a couple of dozen killed by cops. Where are the priorities of these people, or is it that the politics matter more. If so, then this whole situation is really sick.

Why isn’t the news media saying that some people like to riot and smash up buildings and cars. Why aren’t these people being arrested and charged with the crimes they commit.

The answer to all this is that the ruling class wants the riots, the killing, the property destruction. Barack Obama himself even had the Black Lives Matter group invited to the White House, maybe he likes to hear them advocate for the killing of our police.

Somebody, somewhere wants to destabilize America to bring on martial law or a dictatorship.

Wise-up America.

Jose Lugo, editor of DDTV.Org


Here’s a very scary thought (from a friend)

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Aug 192016

I had to take my vehicle to the mechanic the other day for service. The Service Manager, Pete, gave me a ride home and on the way he told me his theory about the upcoming election and the next four years of U.S. government. At first I thought it a bit far fetched. But as I listened to him it began to make sense, scary sense…

Serious Questions About Hillary emails

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Jul 142016

Written by Mike Greene.
Some of you know I’m a former NYPD Detective and former Orange County Sheriff candidate. I conducted my own investigation. The results of my investigation will astound you and show a clear path to corruption here.

1. Here’s my step by step breakdown of this seemingly corrupt decision:

Lynch was appointed as U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn, NY from 1999 to 2001. Who appointed her? Then President Bill Clinton.

2. Lynch resigned in 2001 to join the law firm Hogan & Hartson. This is the same law firm that represented the company MXLogic. MXLogic was the company Hillary first used to set up her private email server and account. Executives from this law firm have also donated to the Clintons.

3. From 2003 to 2005 Lynch served as a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. The Federal Reserve Bank is actually a privately owned corporation, compromised of numerous banks. Several of these banks and or their executives have donated to the Clintons political campaigns and to the Clinton Foundation.

4. In 2010, President Obama re-appointed Lynch as U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn. In 2015, Obama then appointed her as head U.S. Attorney for the nation.

5. A few days ago, as we all know, Lynch met with Bill Clinton, privately, on her private government jet. This meeting was a few days before the FBI interviewed Hillary and a few days before todays announcement.

6. After this meeting, Lynch said something that no U.S. Attorney has ever said. She first apologized and said she should not have met him (obviously an apology based on her being caught, not apologizing for the actual action). She then states something U.S. Attorneys do not state. She stated her office will be guided by whatever recommendation the FBI gives them. Why was this statement ridiculous? She is the head of the U.S. Justice Department. The FBI is a sub unit of DOJ. She is the top boss, not Comey and not the FBI. Her office decides to prosecute or not, NOT the FBI.

7. In 1996 Comey was appointed as a Senate Committee Investigator /Counsel to investigate the Clintons in Whitewater. His findings concluded no wrongdoing with the Clintons.

8. Comey and Lynch met back in the early 2000’s. Comey was appointed by Bush as the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan.

9. In 2002, Bush appointed Comey as Deputy U.S. Attorney and he was tasked with investigating Bill Clintons mass pardons as he left office. Comey concluded that Clinton had done nothing wrong.

10. Comey went into private practice and in 2005.

11. In 2014, Obama appointed Comey as FBI Director. Lynch is Comeys boss, as she is the head of the parent agency, DOJ. Lynch is the chief law enforcement officer of our nation. Comey holds the number two position in the sub agency, the FBI. **************

At the end of the day, how do we have Lynch, previously appointed by Bill Clinton, and formerly an employee of the law firm that is connected to Hillarys email scandal, in charge of the investigation into Hillarys email scandal, with the lead investigative agency led by a man who twice investigated the Clintons and both times found them not guilty of wrong doing, also appointed by the current U.S. President, who appointed Lynch, who is Comeys boss?????? And Comey and Lynch have known each other for decades as well. How was this investigation to have ever been legitimate???? – Mike Greene

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